Blog Archives

My time at the Shropshire FIS and the future

Daniel Franey joined Shropshire Family information Service as a Modern Apprentice nearly two years ago. In his time with the team he showed how very capable he was to undertake design work, digital projects and dazzle us all with this

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Posted in animations or cartoons, apps, blogging, design, digital technology, Ebooks, local government, public sector, social media, visual arts, working practices

Inspiring youngsters + research, resilience, randomness

It became clear when going through the Week 11 contributions that inspiring youngsters was a theme that had emerged over the previous few days. Sometimes themes emerge organically, with one post sparking off an idea for another one. This one

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, apps, blogging, charitable trusts, childcare, communicating, construction industry, cooking, democracy, design, digital games, family, fine art, food, hardware, health, housing, humour, learning, media, music, painting drawing, PhD, public relations, public sector, public spaces, regeneration, research, setting goals, social care, social media, software, special events, Third sector, town and country planning, training, turtles, wifi, working practices

‘Bugrit! Millennium hand and shrimp’

Karen Hart takes up the [completely optional] theme suggested in the Weekly Blog Club summary last week by Kate Bentham and writes about Batman, shrimps, vegetables, randomised dates, and Foul Ole Ron. ‘Bugrit! Millennium hand and shrimp’ by Karen JK Hart. PS WolframAlpha is

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Posted in animations or cartoons, blogging, food, humour

Is that a challenge?

I have gained so much from weekly blog club, from Janet and other bloggers who have shown me the ropes, I wanted to use my turn at the helm to say thanks. > Thanks to you all. So, some 6

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, Business, celebrity, communicating, communities, conferences, customer service, data, democracy, design, digital technology, education, family, festival, film/video, friendship, health, humanity, media, patient care, photography, politics, public relations, public sector, social media, special events, sports, storytelling, therapy, Third sector, unconferences, weather

What is stop-motion animation anyway?

Louise Brown has posted a link to the Zu3D blog. The article is a very quick introduction to stop-motion animation. What is stop-motion animation anyway? by Louise Brown

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Posted in animals, animations or cartoons, celebrity, communicating, digital technology, film, film/video, learning, photography, storytelling

The answer to life, the universe and everything?

Week 42 of Weekly Blog Club may not provide you with the total answer to life, the universe and everything – but it gives you answers to questions that you had not thought of asking, and asks even more questions.

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, architecture, archives, childcare, communicating, conferences, data, design, digital technology, emergency planning, emergency services, family, finance, floods, health, health services, history, housing, humanity, leadership, learning, literature, local government, management, rain, running, setting goals, social media, special events, Third sector, tourism, training, unconferences, universities, women, working practices

Rorschach – A character in fiction who speaks to me.

Paul Coxon picks out an unlikely fictional hero (or is he an anti-hero?) to emulate (though not in all ways!). Rorschach – A character in fiction who speaks to me by Paul Coxon.

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Posted in animations or cartoons, literature

Pearls, BlueLight, grapevines… and cake, filthy cake!

If only someone had written about swine, we might have had the title ‘Pearls, swine, casting…’ this week, but in Weekly Blog Club we do not determine subjects to ensure we have whimsical titles for the weekly summary. No, siree!

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, cake/caek, charitable trusts, communicating, communities, digital technology, festival, housing, leadership, media, national government, politics, private sector, public sector, social media, Third sector, training, unconferences, websites, working practices

Boris, boxing, blogging – and piglets with curly wurly tails

Bloggers contributed a baker’s dozen of posts in Week 19 of Weekly Blog Club, with topics ranging from the result of the Mayor of London election to piglets and many topics in between. This week’s ‘sports supplement’ comes from Ross

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, boxing, cultural heritage, culture, digital technology, dogs puppies, film, football, leadership, local government, management, media, movies, painting drawing, pigs, politics, poverty, public sector, setting goals, social media, storytelling, Third sector, training, working practices

Sifting, swimming, sociable and Subbuteo

The themes had a very sibilant sound in the 14 posts for Week 15 of Weekly Blog Club. Social media, sociable enterprise, social history, and what could be described as social projects were strong themes this week. Much of the

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, cake/caek, communicating, communities, football, history, rowing, setting goals, social media, sports, storytelling, television, travel, travel and exploration