Blog Archives

Doodling and learning, briefs and bags

Week 13 summary happened to fall within the Easter weekend, so Happy Easter to all of you! Or Happy Spring Day or whatever for those who would rather not be wished a Happy Easter. One of the chicks in the

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, charitable trusts, chickens, communicating, construction industry, cooking, digital technology, disability, family, fine art, food, health, holiday, internal communications, learning, MOOC, motor cycle racing, national government, poverty, printmaking, private sector, public relations, public sector, retail, rugby, sculpture, social care, social media, training, unconferences, websites, working practices

A life not lived

Karen Hart took up one of the [entirely optional] Weekly Blog Club themes for Week 13 and writes the most fascinating post about a statue in Sweden of a 5-times World Championship Speedway rider with very personal associations for her;

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Posted in family, motor cycle racing, sculpture, travel and exploration