Blog Archives

Warmth, compassion and new starts

After some variable and decidedly chilly weather in May, we seem to have started June with much sunnier weather and that was reflected in a few of the Week 22 contributions to Weekly Blog Club. There were also some tough

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, bees, blogging, communicating, communities, construction industry, cultural heritage, cycling, cycling, digital technology, disability, exercise, fine art, football, health, health services, languages, leadership, learning, local government, medical practice, mental health, music, national government, natural environment, parks, patient care, photography, setting goals, social media, society, special events, sunshine, time management, training, travel and exploration, working practices

A new reason to bee excited

Graham Budd has been trying to get colleagues to contribute stories of what they do in their daily work to share with the public on Facebook. He writes about getting the Parks Rangers to record and contribute something about their

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Posted in bees, blogging, communicating, communities, horticulture, local government, natural environment, parks, public relations, social media, working practices

Wet day on the beach

A Week 25 Weekly Blog Club post about a very rainy day at the beach and the plight of a bumblebee, with photographs. Wet day on the beach by Janet E Davis.

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Posted in beaches, bees, natural environment, photography, rain