Blog Archives

Death of an O2 Salesman

Ever dropped your phone into something wet? What did you do next? Rough Cat tells a humorous tale of phones and has a radical suggestion for the phone companies. Death of an O2 Salesman by Rough Cat.

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Posted in communicating, customer service, digital technology, humour, retail

Doodling and learning, briefs and bags

Week 13 summary happened to fall within the Easter weekend, so Happy Easter to all of you! Or Happy Spring Day or whatever for those who would rather not be wished a Happy Easter. One of the chicks in the

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, charitable trusts, chickens, communicating, construction industry, cooking, digital technology, disability, family, fine art, food, health, holiday, internal communications, learning, MOOC, motor cycle racing, national government, poverty, printmaking, private sector, public relations, public sector, retail, rugby, sculpture, social care, social media, training, unconferences, websites, working practices

‘People buy from People’. A lesson for knowledge workers from Deenna Boutique and Neath Music

Chris Bolton has been hearing about a new website to support the town of Neath, and developing relationships with people. He shares this and the genius initiative by Neath Music shop: ‘Local Stars playing reasonably priced guitars.’ ‘People buy from

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Posted in blogging, communicating, communities, customer service, ideas/innovation, music, private sector, public relations, retail, websites, working practices

Love, light and cake

Week 8 started on Valentine’s Day and brought in 22 contributions, some of which were actually on the week’s [entirely optional] theme of love (it is not often that people choose to contribute something that connects with the week’s theme).

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, architecture, blogging, buildings conservation, cake/caek, communicating, conferences, cultural heritage, design, digital technology, family, finance, fine art, health, health services, humanity, intellectual property, learning, local government, MOOC, national government, natural environment, PhD, photography, politics, public spaces, research, retail, rugby, snow, social media, society, special events, training, unconferences, working practices

Hazlewood & Dent Ironmongery & Tools

Richard Overy shares with us another great vintage photograph.* Hazlewood & Dent Ironmongery & Tools by Richard Overy. * I’m biased – my grandparents had a chandler’s and ironmonger’s shop.

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Posted in photography, retail