Blog Archives

A Bedlington Terrier, how to tell tales, and ethical issues

Thank you to all who contributed to the wonderful variety of posts in Week 49 of Weekly Blog Club. It was lovely to see the return of some people whom we hadn’t seen for a while. Over in Australia, Samuel-James

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, charitable trusts, communicating, communities, construction industry, democracy, digital technology, dogs puppies, fine art, health, health services, hierarchy, history, ideas/innovation, journalism, leadership, learning, local government, management, media, painting drawing, politics, sculpture, setting goals, social media, sports, storytelling, television, Third sector, training, visual arts, working practices

A talking elk, a turtle, and powerful motivation

Having been without my computer during Week 37, I got it back, mended with a new hard drive and fresh Operating System, and then I had days of getting all the other software I need back onto it during Week

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, archives, blogging, charitable trusts, communicating, cooking, cultural heritage, elk, family, fine art, friendship, good causes, health, health services, hierarchy, humanity, humour, ideas/innovation, languages, leadership, learning, museums, music, photography, public sector, relationship, social care, social media, society, Third sector, training, turtles, unconferences, working practices

Fun, fails, rewards, and social curry

Apologies for not writing individual blogs for each post contributed to Week 33, but I lacked time during the week and was keen to get this summary out on Sunday so we don’t fall behind during Week 34. Thanks very

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, communicating, construction industry, digital technology, fire service, football, health, health services, hierarchy, ideas/innovation, learning, photography, public relations, social care, social media, society, tourism, training, working practices

Changing Times with Prof Kate Pickett

Kate Pickett, Professor of Inequalities in Health at York University, epidemiologist and author, takes a thoughtful look at how society has changed over the last couple of decades, and how inequality affects our society as a whole. Changing Times by Professor Kate

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Posted in finance, health, health services, hierarchy, national government, politics, private sector, society

Hierarchies, cliques and Twitter rules

Derek Barron considers hierarchies and influence in social media and provokes interesting comments from others. Hierarchies, cliques and Twitter rules by Derek Barron.

Posted in blogging, hierarchy, social media, society