Blog Archives

Paper bags and sowing seeds

"Buckbee's seeds full of life"

Thank you very much to all those who contributed to and tweeted about the Week 4 posts. The subjects of the posts were thought-provoking and honest, although sometimes difficult. Michael Canavan’s post about when CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) may not be

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, communicating, disability, health, health services, leadership, local government, mental health, patient care, schools, snow, social media, training, working practices

Happy blog day

I was really surprised to read that Ross Wigham’s blog is only a year old. He’s produced some top blogs in the last 12 months. In this post Ross looks back at some of the most viewed blogs, which if

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Posted in blogging, communicating, communities, digital technology, family, humour, journalism, local government, newspapers, public relations, public sector, snow, social media, websites, working practices

Smoke, journalism, knickers and a mermaid

This was a week in which many saw unusually deep snow for the UK in March, with some being snowed-in and left without power. Despite suggesting that people could use their time spent tucked up indoors in the warmth to

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, communicating, communities, conferences, digital technology, family, finance, fine art, health, journalism, leadership, national government, newspapers, public sector, public spaces, sculpture, snow, social media, textile industry, tourism, town and country planning, unconferences, women, working practices

Love, light and cake

Week 8 started on Valentine’s Day and brought in 22 contributions, some of which were actually on the week’s [entirely optional] theme of love (it is not often that people choose to contribute something that connects with the week’s theme).

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, architecture, blogging, buildings conservation, cake/caek, communicating, conferences, cultural heritage, design, digital technology, family, finance, fine art, health, health services, humanity, intellectual property, learning, local government, MOOC, national government, natural environment, PhD, photography, politics, public spaces, research, retail, rugby, snow, social media, society, special events, training, unconferences, working practices

Love of learning, love of place, love of cats

I struggled to think of a title for this week’s summary because there were so many posts (24!) to provide elements but decided to start early with the love theme since Valentine’s Day is flying towards us with bow and

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, architecture, blogging, cats, charitable trusts, chickens, communicating, construction industry, cooking, cultural heritage, data, digital technology, emergency services, family, fine art, food, football, good causes, health, health services, ideas/innovation, languages, leadership, learning, local government, management, national government, natural environment, painting drawing, PhD, photography, printmaking, sheep, snow, social media, streets, Third sector, training, Uncategorized, unconferences, universities, working practices

Lower those expectations, Benji

Ben Whitehouse has not only moved house, but has moved to a different local authority area. He found that they do not tweet about gritting, and asks for ideas about how he can persuade them that this is a good

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Posted in communicating, local government, public relations, snow, social media, streets, working practices

Beige, snow, cats and communicating

Week 5 brought slightly less posts (19) than the first four weeks of the year (over 20 each week), but no less variety. Sasha Taylor shared with us the plans for a new start on moving forward with the CityCamp

Posted in cats, communicating, cooking, culture, data, digital technology, education, family, fine art, food, gender, health, health services, leadership, local government, management, media, national government, setting goals, snow, social media, society, time management, Uncategorized, working practices

It all starts with a â€˜thing’

In the beginning there was a tweet, and the tweet was made a challenge, and the challenge became a snow ‘thing,’ and that was the thing that really started it. Phil Jewitt has unexpected conversations and starts to think about

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Posted in communicating, friendship, snow, social media, society, storytelling

Snow blower

The snow brought Ross Wigham back from his blogging sabbatical to tell us how his local authority, responsible for public services in the snowiest county in England, used social media to enable people to get essential information – and changed

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Posted in communicating, communities, local government, snow, working practices

It’s UKGovCamp Jim! But not as we know it!

With bad weather stopping UK Gov Camp 13 going ahead last week, a hardy few still managed to meet for #altukgc13. Lesley Thomson was one of the ones able to attend and we’re delighted that she has been able to blog about

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Posted in conferences, data, digital technology, public sector, snow, unconferences