Monthly Archives: July 2012

Rites of passage and other special events

Not quite as many posts for Week 30 as Week 29’s massive 20, but a very respectable 15 contributions. This is probably just as well as I am getting used to the different scrolling  after upgrading my operating system by 3 upgrades

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, childcare, communicating, communities, cultural heritage, culture, digital technology, family, law, natural environment, Olympics, police, public sector, snow, social media, special events, universities, working practices

Eventalyser: Social Media Event Capture

John Patterson has been thinking about what happens after an event, such as an unconference is over. Is there an ultimate way of capturing all the relevant online traces of it across the different social media channels, and archiving it?

Posted in archives, blogging, communicating, data, digital technology, open data, social media, unconferences, working practices

Low Cost Family Fun

Shropshire Family Information Service has some really good suggestions for fun things to do as a family during the summer holidays, without spending a fortune. Although written specifically for Shropshire’s families, all the ideas are relevant to anywhere in the

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Posted in childcare, family, public sector

The Best Kept Secret in Scottish Policing

For his contribution to Week 30 of #WeeklyBlogClub Andy Wilson not only shares a secret but also considers preserving order, and Human Rights legislation. Along the way, he corrects a common misconception about the history of policing in the UK.

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Posted in history, law, police, working practices

Are we happy or angry? A survey of what 1,393 tweets say about the London Olympics build-up

Dan Slee has found out some surprising things from a survey of tweets mentioning the London 2012 Olympics before they started (and it seems a lot more positive than my tweetstream would have suggested!). Are we happy or angry? A

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Posted in communicating, Olympics, public relations, social media, special events

Opening up our little bit of the world with QR codes

Louise Brown’s Week 30 Weekly Blog Club post considers the issues involved with putting a QR code trail for visitors on her nearby National Trust’s estate. Opening up our little bit of the world with QR codes by Louise Brown.

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Posted in cultural heritage, digital technology, natural environment, social media, Third sector, travel and exploration, working practices


Despite being on holiday and saying that he would not be blogging for a while, Phil Jewitt has submitted another post this week, whilst on holiday. Phil continues last week’s theme of family as he shares a hair-raising part of

Posted in childcare, family, natural environment, travel and exploration, universities

#weeklyblogclub My favourite rites of passage and what they say about me

Ben Whitehouse has tackled the (entirely optional) Weekly Blog Club theme of rites of passage in his Week 30 post. He manages to find two rites of passage that may be unfamiliar to many readers: breeching and Rumspringa #weeklyblogclub My

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Posted in cultural heritage, culture, gender, humanity, special events

Homeward bound

Janet Harkin remembers a difficult journey in snow (when she attended an unconference) as she anticipates her summer holidays and spending time with her family (and she includes a fabulous picture of her home countryside). Homeward bound by Janet Harkin.

Posted in driving, exercise, family, natural environment, snow, travel and exploration, unconferences, walking

Most likes in a day… some stats

So far, on July 26th 2012, we got the most Likes in one day. I cannot tell you how many, but there were more than any other day. I can tell you that 72 people now follow this blog. Thank

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging