Blog Archives

Say hello, hug, say goodbye?

The Week 42 posts made me think again about Weekly Blog Club, as people move on and things quieten down. Joseph Conaghan wrote a thought-provoking post Is Ambulance Reality TV …Insight or Voyeuristic? I can see an argument for producing such television

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, astronomy, blogging, buildings conservation, communicating, communities, cultural heritage, customer service, emergency services, health, health services, historic buildings and sites, history, languages, learning, marathon, music, natural environment, patient care, photography, physics, public sector, social media, therapy, training, working practices

The Complete History and Future of the Universe (in 1,635 words)

Karl Green considers the universe and beyond, in time and space. The Complete History and Future of the Universe (in 1,635 words) by Karl S Green.

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Posted in natural environment, physics

The Titanic: it’s not the watch, it’s the story

For her Week 16 post, Diane Sims has written about a topic that has been in the media a lot – the Titanic – but in her own, very distinctive way. She has combined physics and history to consider this

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Posted in digital technology, history, physics, ships, storytelling