Blog Archives

Ask yourself – “ is there a real difference…..with eHealth”

Can you tell the difference between a Picasso painting and a similar one by an anonymous painter? Graham Gault, General Manager, eHealth NHS Dumfries and Galloway,  writes about the difference that digital technology will make in Dumfries & Galloway, especially

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Posted in communicating, data, digital technology, hardware, health, health services, software, wifi, working practices, workplace

Seasides, mugging donkeys, and the importance of feeling good

This week’s summary has been an endurance trial just to find the posts and create the summary list. I have had to do it all on a mobile device because my laptop is broken. Although the WordPress app has been

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animals, beaches, childcare, communicating, disability, friendship, hardware, health services, holiday, mental health, patient care, performing arts, photography, public relations, social care, therapy, working practices

Feeling safe to learn and share

Lorna Prescott considers the issue of public sector people learning and how safe it is for them to share experiences, especially in a digital age – and discovers that iPads can be better than laptops for blogging in conferences (and

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Posted in blogging, communicating, conferences, hardware, public sector, working practices


Mark Braggins writes about UKGovCamp 2013, includes a pitching video in which you get to see and hear Mark speak (and lots of other Gov people whom you may well know from Twitter). Mark also lists lots of blog posts

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Posted in blogging, communicating, film/video, hardware, national government, public sector, social media, software, unconferences, working practices

Inspiring youngsters + research, resilience, randomness

It became clear when going through the Week 11 contributions that inspiring youngsters was a theme that had emerged over the previous few days. Sometimes themes emerge organically, with one post sparking off an idea for another one. This one

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, apps, blogging, charitable trusts, childcare, communicating, construction industry, cooking, democracy, design, digital games, family, fine art, food, hardware, health, housing, humour, learning, media, music, painting drawing, PhD, public relations, public sector, public spaces, regeneration, research, setting goals, social care, social media, software, special events, Third sector, town and country planning, training, turtles, wifi, working practices

The circuitry of my head

John Patterson takes a MOOC, reads about connected learning and connects a computer with his DNA. The circuitry of my head by John Patterson.

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Posted in biology, hardware, learning, MOOC, science

Film in local government

Matt Bond shares the results of the first local government survey into the use of films by local councils. Film in local government by Matt Bond.

Posted in communicating, film, film/video, hardware, internal communications, local government, public relations, software, working practices

Dear PC World

Oh dear. Kate Bentham received confusing advice and ended up leaving without making a purchase. She shares the experience with us in her Week 35 post. Dear PC World by Kate Bentham.

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Posted in customer service, hardware, private sector, working practices

Reflections on events

A really useful and thought-provoking post by Mark Braggins with lots of suggestions on how to make unconferences work even better, based on his experiences of attending various events recently. He makes some good suggestions on including remote attenders, and

Posted in apps, blogging, cake/caek, communicating, digital technology, disability, hardware, national government, public sector, social media, software, special events, unconferences, websites, working practices

Corporate interviews using the iPhone

Matt Bond has written more of what you can do with an iPhone* for Week 22 – this time, he experiments with recording an interview on video using one. Corporate interviews using the iPhone by  Matt Bond. *Reminds me to update the

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Posted in apps, communicating, digital technology, film/video, hardware, media, movies, software, training, working practices