Blog Archives

Smoke, journalism, knickers and a mermaid

This was a week in which many saw unusually deep snow for the UK in March, with some being snowed-in and left without power. Despite suggesting that people could use their time spent tucked up indoors in the warmth to

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, communicating, communities, conferences, digital technology, family, finance, fine art, health, journalism, leadership, national government, newspapers, public sector, public spaces, sculpture, snow, social media, textile industry, tourism, town and country planning, unconferences, women, working practices

Inspiring youngsters + research, resilience, randomness

It became clear when going through the Week 11 contributions that inspiring youngsters was a theme that had emerged over the previous few days. Sometimes themes emerge organically, with one post sparking off an idea for another one. This one

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, apps, blogging, charitable trusts, childcare, communicating, construction industry, cooking, democracy, design, digital games, family, fine art, food, hardware, health, housing, humour, learning, media, music, painting drawing, PhD, public relations, public sector, public spaces, regeneration, research, setting goals, social care, social media, software, special events, Third sector, town and country planning, training, turtles, wifi, working practices

Learning more about Neighbourhood Planning

The Government is encouraging more people to get involved with how their local area is developed. I write a bit about a Neighbourhood Planning seminar. Learning more about Neighbourhood Planning by Janet E Davis.

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Posted in construction industry, housing, learning, public spaces, regeneration, town and country planning

Looking back, looking now, looking forward

It was an unusually quiet week for posts during Week 37, quieter than during the summer holidays period. I wondered why. Maybe people are still getting back into the swing of the weekly work and school routines this week, and

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, communicating, communities, cultural heritage, customer service, digital technology, family, health, humanity, leadership, media, national government, Olympics, Paralympics, photography, public sector, sculpture, social media, special events, storytelling, town and country planning, websites, working practices

A kite, content, Creation and camps

Week 29 resulted in the second highest number of posts in a week since Weekly Blog Club began. Well done, guys! This handing over of blog wrangler duties to someone else for a week seems to encourage more to contribute

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, blogging, communicating, culture, cycling, digital technology, family, medical practice, Olympics, public sector, public spaces, Religion, science, social media, storytelling, town and country planning, travel, unconferences, walking, working practices

Shared Spaces: A tale of two grapevines

An inspiring post by Diane Sims on how to grow community and plants that can be eaten in ground that might not look particularly fertile. Shared Spaces: A tale of two grapevines by Diane Sims.

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Posted in apps, blogging, communicating, communities, digital games, digital technology, disability, food, hardware, local government, social media, software, town and country planning, websites, working practices

‘this, children, is how people did protests before facebook’

Dan Slee has contributed his guest post on the comms2point0 website to Week 15 of Weekly Blog Club. His post includes a great newspaper photograph of a local demonstration from before the days of electronic social media, and considers how

Posted in communicating, communities, democracy, digital technology, family, history, local government, newspapers, social media, town and country planning, working practices

Saving Newsome Mills part three: If you’re not on the list…

In Week 13 of Weekly Blog Club, Diane Sims has reported on the very latest trouble at t’Mill as well as continuing her fascinating story of saving this important local heritage. Saving Newsome Mills part three: If you’re not on

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Posted in architecture, communities, cultural heritage, fire service, local government, media, police, public sector, storytelling, textile manufacture, town and country planning

Dancing, dragons, danger – and just doing it

Although there are fewer posts to read this week (15 rather than last week’s 22), they are all, as ever, well worth reading. The (always optional) theme for Week 11 was women because the Weekly Blog Club week happened to

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, architecture, beach volleyball, charitable trusts, communicating, communities, cultural heritage, customer service, digital technology, disability, football, gender, golf, health, leadership, local government, open data, photography, poetry, public relations, public sector, public transport, rugby, running, setting goals, social media, sports, Third sector, town and country planning, trains, women

Wind turbines for dummies*

For his Week 11 post, Peter McClymont has shared something of the complex issues that parish councillors have to consider when faced with proposals for wind turbines. He provides an interesting and unusual view on the subject of wind power.

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Posted in communicating, communities, cultural heritage, local government, natural environment, public sector, town and country planning