Blog Archives

A talking elk, a turtle, and powerful motivation

Having been without my computer during Week 37, I got it back, mended with a new hard drive and fresh Operating System, and then I had days of getting all the other software I need back onto it during Week

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Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, archives, blogging, charitable trusts, communicating, cooking, cultural heritage, elk, family, fine art, friendship, good causes, health, health services, hierarchy, humanity, humour, ideas/innovation, languages, leadership, learning, museums, music, photography, public sector, relationship, social care, social media, society, Third sector, training, turtles, unconferences, working practices

Inspiring youngsters + research, resilience, randomness

It became clear when going through the Week 11 contributions that inspiring youngsters was a theme that had emerged over the previous few days. Sometimes themes emerge organically, with one post sparking off an idea for another one. This one

Posted in #WeeklyBlogClub summary, animations or cartoons, apps, blogging, charitable trusts, childcare, communicating, construction industry, cooking, democracy, design, digital games, family, fine art, food, hardware, health, housing, humour, learning, media, music, painting drawing, PhD, public relations, public sector, public spaces, regeneration, research, setting goals, social care, social media, software, special events, Third sector, town and country planning, training, turtles, wifi, working practices

The small things

Another lovely ‘Aaaaah’ post about another special father and daughter moment – and this one has a song about a turtle. The small things by John Patterson.

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Posted in family, film/video, humour, learning, music, turtles